
さまざまな活動の中でも、特に自主公演として毎年 5月に福岡シンフォニーホールで開催している「九州管楽合奏団演奏会」は、芸術性の高い吹奏楽作品を集め、日本を代表する指揮者を招いて開催しており、そのユニークなプログラムと優れた演奏内容はNHK・FMでも放送されるなど、全国的にも注目を集めています。
創立 10周年にあたる 2014年 5月に開催した記念演奏会では、オランダ人作曲者で指揮者でもあるヨハン・デ・メイ氏を招き、彼の代表作である「交響曲第1番 指輪物語」取り上げ、絶賛を博しました。




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Kyushu Wind Orchestra (Commonly known as Kyukan) was established in 2004 by a Clarinet player, Toru Mizusaki (ex-member of Kyushu Symphony Orchestra) as well as some members of Kyushu Symphony Orchestra and freelance players living in Kyushu area with the policy to become polar for an amateur players and to provide the place for musical activities for great players and with the objective to develop Wind Orchestra as musical art.

In 2006, we made partnership with Munakata Yurix in Munakata city for cooperation and hold concerts in various places with Munakata Yurix as our base.

We are active in making wind orchestra popular such as participating in music classes in school and classes to teach techniques for each instrument. Among those activities, “Kyushu Wind Orchestra Concert” which is held at Acros

Fukuoka in May every year have many artistic pieces for Wind Orchestra. We invite conductors who represent Japan and the uniqueness and the performance have gotten nationwide attention such as getting broadcasted in NHK FM.
We invited Johan de Meij, who is a popular composer and conductor from Holland for the 10th year anniversary concert held on May 11th No.1 “The Lord of the Rings” and it was a great success. In 2015, we will invite him again as the principal guest conductor and start the next stage for our Orchestra.

Along with the only professional Orchestra in Kyushu, ”Kyushu Symphony Orchestra” ,a Wind Instrument Orchestra “Kyushu Wind Orchestra” is aiming to become a familiar musical group loved by the local people.

About“ Kyukan POPS”
The Kyushu wind orchestra gives various type of concert.
This concert series,called the Kyukan POPS, had a saxophonist Koji Orita as the music director;we get a lot of people,s support taking up all the different genres of music such as movie music,jazz,Latin,light classical music and so on.

For the Kyushu wind orchestra,pops concerts play an important role,which are held under the project to meet the needs of all generations from preschool children to the senior generation.

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九州管楽合奏団 事務局



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